Marriage in Egypt

Marriage is very important in Egypt. So much that your marriage certificate will serve as your new ID. Is so important for you to have a copy everywhere you go. No, I am not kidding!It will even help when you go to touristic sites. You will pay as an Egyptian.  Marriage is an essential part of Egypt's culture and religion. Most men are supposed to provide for their wives. Before getting married the family of the soon to be bride needs to approve this marriage.

Is a little complex situation but one that Egyptians are well use to. Now because of all the traditions and protocol that has to follow a lot of men have decided to date non Egyptians. Why? Well very easy we were brought up differently and Women don't necessarily need a man to maintain them. Is ok for us if the man doesn't own a house, as long as he loves us and treats us we will be fine.

 In nature of that a lot of foreign women are being harassed by Egyptians to get married. One of the reasons this happens is because sex is such a taboo topic and is not allowed before marriage. If you do it of course it needs to be secret or if not you are considered an embarrassment to the family.  Therefore cementing the believe that dating foreigners is so much easier! They are independent and they don't care about money only love and well they don't need to be wait until marriage to get the kinky going. Crude? Yes, but I am painting a reality. Be careful of men that come to you with so many loving things to say and only want to take advantage of you. They are great Egyptian men so I am not saying all of them are bad but in this country we need to think first and look at the actions.

If you are interested in getting married in Egypt visit your embassy's page and look for the documents and the steps you need to take. Everything is there. When got married there was a couple who where there for the 5th time to get married but they were missing papers. I couldn't take it anymore and told my husband to talk to the groom and told them to check the embassy for the instructions! I also have a few post about Relationship with Egyptians that might be beneficial to some extent. Look for them if you want to know more. Connect with me to share your experiences about marriage.

Marriage in Egypt

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